It’s Saturday night, October 29, 2011, two days before Halloween, and a very lucky group of individuals are about to be the first to get their ears sexed up by Moon Drool. Hailing from Chandler, AZ, Moon Drool’s sound, by definition, could be described as progressive blues rock. In reality, it’s just a group of really amazing people who make really amazing music together, and they love doing it!

Comprised of five dedicated musicians, Moon Drool’s sound brings intense warmth to your heart that you spend years searching for in record store aisles. Matt Bermudez’ passion for music can be heard not only in his voice, but also through the melodies he produces on keys. He pours every piece of himself into each note, and there’s a smile that lingers well after the end of each show. A relaxed presence stands stage left; Sean Jacquemin, with closed eyes and a solid bass line, produces melodious tones that hum through your body. Meanwhile, Rob Endsley not only brings a necessary roughness in his drums and that contrasts perfectly with his fellow band mates, he also backs up Matt’s vocals (which is not an easy task to add to drum playing). On lead guitar, Kyle Gutierrez unleashes some seriously funky blues riffs that truly give Moon Drool its edge. And even though you've heard the songs a thousand times, he manages to keep it interesting at every live show. Finally, Jessi Draper’s cello skills are something to be envied. She drops a sweetness on your ears that makes you wonder how she got mixed up with these guys, but truthfully, you wouldn't have it any other way.

Moon Drool’s self recorded and produced debut album, Do We Want Parachutes, dropped earlier this year and there’s never been a more excited group of fans (just ask the Marquee Theater security). While a second album is in the works, to get a glimpse at new music, you’ll have to catch a live show. However, don’t worry; these musical perfectionists are just as anxious for a new record as we are.